Tea Products

Everspring black tea

Everspring black tea (Si Ji Chun black tea)


Have you ever seen small tea leave Taiwan black teas? Some tea farmers try to make black teas by small tea leaves. Most black teas are large tea leaves, but some Taiwan tea farmers use Jin Xuan cultivar or Si Ji Chun cultivar to make black teas. Such black teas are very special and good taste. Jin Xuan teas have natural milk smell and taste. Si Ji Chun tea has floral aroma smell and taste. Only Taiwan has such specially black teas. We have machine reaped small leaf black tea and hand picked high mountain small leaf black tea. Welcome to try these unique teas.





你有看過小葉種的台灣紅茶嗎? 大部分紅茶都是大葉種。台灣的茶農用小葉種金萱或四季春茶種做紅茶,這些原來都是用來做烏龍茶的茶種。小葉種的台灣紅茶非常好喝也很獨特,四季春紅茶有天然的花香味,金萱紅茶有天然的奶香味,只有台灣才有的小葉種的紅茶。我們有機剪的和手採的高山小葉種的紅茶。歡迎試喝!





你有看过小叶种的台湾红茶吗? 大部分红茶都是大叶种。台湾的茶农用小叶种金萱或四季春茶种做红茶,这些原来都是用来做乌龙茶的茶种。小叶种的台湾红茶非常好喝也很独特,四季春红茶有天然的花香味,金萱红茶有天然的奶香味,只有台湾才有的小叶种的红茶。我们有机剪的和手采的高山小叶种的红茶。欢迎试喝!

Honey flavor black tea

Honey flavor black tea


Honey flavor black tea is a black tea with oolong aroma. Honey flavor black tea is hand picked one bud with 2 tender leaves to make such tea. In summer after raining, small Jacobiasca formosana will come to bite tea leaves, and cause chemical reaction on these leaves to change bitter to honey taste. So honey flavor black tea has natural honey aroma and taste.


Our honey flavor black tea is from Sanxia District, New Taipei City. Biluochun green tea and Dragon Well (Long Jing) green tea are famous green teas from Sanxia too. Our honey flavor black tea is from the tea garden of organic management, and has nil pesticide residues for SGS 398 pesticides test.


Its tea liquor is in amber color. Unlike other black teas, honey flavor black tea won’t have bitter taste even after multiple steeps. It has unique taste of honey, Osmanthus and sugarcane aroma.








我們的蜜香紅茶來自新北市的三峽區三峽區的綠茶遠近馳名如碧螺春及龍井綠茶我們的蜜香紅茶來自有機管理的茶園,並且經 SGS 398項農藥檢測是零檢出,即無農藥殘存










我们的蜜香红茶来自新北市的三峡区三峡区的绿茶远近驰名如碧螺春及龙井绿茶我们的蜜香红茶来自有机管理的茶园并且经 SGS 398项农药检测是零检出,即无农药残存。




Lishan black tea

Lishan black tea


There is only one organic Lishan tea farmer who supplies organic Lishan oolong tea and organic Lishan black tea: both of them are CAS certified   and NCHU certified organic teas. The tea garden is located at the height of 2,000 meters. The Lishan black tea is made from small leaf Chinxing oolong tea cultivar, which is used to make Lishan oolong tea too.  


Chinxing oolong cultivar was imported and planted in Taiwan from 19th Century. The black tea made from Chinxing oolong of low elevation has sugarcane aroma and taste, when it has flower taste and aroma from high elevation tea gardens. Chinxing oolong from middle elevation of tea gardens has fruit taste and aroma. Lishan black tea is rare in production. Because the prices of Lishan oolong teas are high, so most of Lishan tea farmers only make Lishan oolong teas. This Lishan black tea successfully promoted to London market three years ago. And this black tea has won the 2nd award in Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park London. And the Lishan black tea is ranged as top grade black tea in the world.


Chinxing oolong can be multiple steeping and still keep its original taste after several steeps. Its tea liquor is in orange black color with rose aroma. It tastes sweet with strong aroma.





梨山茶的有機茶農只有一位,他有梨山有機紅茶及梨山有機烏龍茶這兩種茶都有台灣 CAS 有機認證及中興大學的有機認證茶園高度是兩千公尺有機梨山紅茶是用小葉種青心烏龍來製作的紅茶,梨山烏龍茶是用青心烏龍的茶種製成的烏龍茶









梨山茶的有机茶农只有一位,他有梨山有机红茶及梨山有机乌龙茶。这两种茶都有台湾 CAS 有机认证及中兴大学的有机认证。茶园高度是两千公尺。有机梨山红茶是用小叶种青心乌龙来制作的红茶,梨山乌龙茶是用青心乌龙的茶种制成的乌龙茶。






Alishan black tea

Alishan black tea


All Taiwan tea lovers know Alishan oolong tea. Do you know Alishan black tea? It is a new tea product in recent years. The main tea gardens of Alishan black teas are in Meishan and Jhuci townships. The black tea farmers make black teas by summer tea leaves, which are used to make Alishan summer oolong teas.


Alishan black teas are made from Jin Xuan cultivar or Chin Xing oolong cultivar. Unlike Assam large leaf, both Jin Xuan and Chin Xing oolong are small leaf. Alishan black teas successfully combine unique Alishan aroma with sweetness of black tea. High mountain black teas are better than low elevation black teas no matter taste or aroma. Moreover, the aroma of small leaf is better than large leaf. Therefore, Alishan black tea quickly occupied black tea market share in Taiwan.


















Ruby black tea

Ruby black tea is TTES no. 18, which is a new successful cultivar and put forward to market by Taiwan Tea Experiment Station in 2003. Ruby black tea is a broad leafy tea cultivar.  It is a hybrid of Taiwan native wild mountain tea and Burmese Assam tea. The TTES celebrated its centennial anniversary and chose “Ruby” as a common name through vote in 2003.

Ruby tea liquid has natural cinnamonic fragrance and light peppermint flavor.  Black tea experts praise “Ruby” for its unique "Taiwan fragrance".  It belongs to an extremely special tea cultivar even in the multitudinous world well-known black teas.  Its special fragrance let the taste person being unable to forget its aroma and flavor for a very long time.






紅玉紅茶的茶湯有肉桂香及淡淡的薄荷香。紅茶專家讚揚它為獨特的“台灣香味” 。在如此眾多的世界有名的紅茶中,它仍屬於極端特別的茶種。它的特別香味讓品茗者久久不能忘記它的香味。





红玉红茶的茶汤有肉桂香及淡淡的薄荷香。红茶专家赞扬它为独特的“台湾香味” 。在如此众多的世界有名的红茶中,它仍属于极端特别的茶种。它的特别香味让品茗者久久不能忘记它的香味。

Alishan Gaba black tea

Alishan Gaba black tea is health tea, and a natural tea product that contains r-aminobutyric acid.  The English acronym for r- aminobutyric acid is Gaba.  Gaba tea was found and developed by Dr. Tsusida at the former national research institute of vegetable, ornamental plants and tea, maff of Japan in 1987. 


Unlike the process of making oolong teas, the tea has to undergo vacuum anaerobic fermentation before the process of drying. Then the glutamic acid in the tea will convert into GABA.  GABA tea means each 100 grams of dried GABA tea shall contain at least 150mg of GABA. The higher the GABA content, the more expensive is the GABA tea.


The tea garden of Alishan Gaba black tea is in Alishan at the elevation of 1,000 meters.  Comparing to Gaba green and oolong teas, it is the most difficult in process of making Gaba black tea.  Moreover, it is difficult to keep Gaba for full fermentation black tea, so Gaba black tea contains the least Gaba in all Gaba teas.















Ruby Gaba black tea

Ruby GABA black tea is health tea, and a natural tea product that contains r-aminobutyric acid.  The English acronym for r- aminobutyric acid is Gaba.  Gaba tea was found and developed by Dr. Tsusida at the former national research institute of vegetable, ornamental plants and tea, maff of Japan in 1987.  The tea has to undergo vacuum anaerobic fermentation before the process of panning. Then the glutamic acid in the tea will convert into GABA.  GABA tea means each 100 grams of dried GABA tea shall contain at least 150mg of GABA. The higher the GABA content, the more expensive is the GABA tea. 

Ruby Gaba black tea is made from Ruby black tea.  Ruby black tea is TTES no. 18, which is a new successful cultivar and put forward to market by Taiwan Tea Experiment Station in 2003. Ruby black tea is a broad leafy tea cultivar.  It is a hybrid of Taiwan native wild mountain tea and Burmese Assam tea. The TTES celebrated its centennial anniversary and chose “Ruby” as a common name through vote in 2003.

Ruby GABA black tea liquid tastes sour but smooth like other Gaba teas.  The tea liquid is amber in color.  













